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About Our Shed

About Our Shed

Long Sutton Men's Shed is based at the Silverwood Centre, St James Rd, Long Sutton and we meet every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings.

Come along and see what we do, you will be most welcome.

For more information contact the Secretary Barry Meade on 07899 972221


Men's Shed aim to bring men together with opportunities to socialise, find mutual interest and share skills and experience.

We see men come into the Shed change so quickly, as if they had gone back to work (without the work), meeting up with other blokes and having a laugh.

Our Patron is Rt. Hon. John Hayes MP and the President is Councillor Jack Tyrrell.

Men typically find it more difficult to build social connections than women, and unlike women of a similar age, less older men have networks of friends and rarely share personal concerns about health and personal worries. It is not the case for all men, but for some, when retirement comes, it can feel like personal identity and purpose is lost. Men’s Sheds can change all of that.

Sheds are about meeting like-minded people and having someone to share your worries with. They are about having fun, sharing skills and knowledge with like-minded people and gaining a renewed sense of purpose and belonging.

As a by-product of all of that they reduce isolation and feelings of loneliness, they allow men to deal with mental health challenges more easily and remain independent, they rebuild communities and in many cases, they save men’s lives.

Men’s Sheds are vital.