We were asked by Kevin Wheeler, Church Warden at St Matthews Church, Sutton Bridge, if we could make a stand for the Church's 150 year old Processional Cross. The brass processional cross is mounted on a 6 foot wooden pole and carried in front of the Vicar at the commencement of services.
The Church did not have any suitable stand for the large, historic Cross, so it has been previously simply left rarely used in the vestry and in the meantime the Church have had to use their temporary smaller Processional Cross instead. Kevin wished to have a proper stand for the Church’s more impressive and much older Cross, so that it may stand upright at the Altar during Services. The Shed readily offered their services to assist.
A search of the Shed’s extensive recycle materials store revealed a black granite stand that, with modification, a clean and polish, met our aspirations for something that was fit for purpose and appropriate for being used in the Church.